mardi 29 mars 2011

Sketches - Sicilia

Some Sketches from trip in september 2010 in Sicilia. This was a good moment spent alone in Italia to draw people and things. I would like to thanks Sonia and Ralf nice persons i've meet during the trip who helps me during hard times. 
The road follows no plan. The road is your Plan.

...the last done, the first published

Franch airport mess, i hate airports!


Palermo's woman. Loud voice.
totocalcio on sunday in Palermo

Old Man - Catania

Wedding Day in Catania: Boys get outfitted

Ladybug On Etna:

When Police porsuit illegal race on circuit all night long.

welcome in Palermo

Beppo and Momo in arainy day in camping.

Old man in Nicolosi

Sometimes you gat a gelatti and a nice view..

Palermo touristic street at night

Same streer as before, but good beer, good music.


kids on wheel

no way boy!

Palermo butcher

Posers waiting girls

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